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Small Business Advice: 5 Facts About Advertising On Wilmington Radio

Dec 17, 2020 3:17:57 PM / by Larry Julius

On July 22, 1922, WDEL signed-on as the first radio station serving Wilmington, Delaware

For almost 100 years, small business owners have depended on local radio stations to successfully market their goods and services through depressions, recessions, wars, and natural disasters. Even now, during a pandemic, advertising on Wilmington radio remains a dependable way to make cash registers ring.

Here are five facts every Tri-State area small business owner needs to know about local radio in 2020.

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Topics Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Online Advertising, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, small business marketing, time spent listening, online shopping, advertise on wilmington radio, wilmington small business owners, best way to advertise in wilmington

What Is The Best Way To Reach Online Shoppers In Wilmington?

Dec 10, 2020 4:39:04 PM / by Larry Julius

Tri-State shoppers are expected to spend a record $1.8 billion online in 2020, based on the most recent projections from eMarketer. This would represent year-over-year growth of 32.4%.

During the same period, according to eMarketer, receipts at brick-and-mortar stores have contracted by 3.2%.  Overall, excluding gas and auto sales, e-commerce will account for 20.6% of all retail sales this year.

The Coronavirus pandemic is credited with this seismic shift in shopping behavior as consumers continue to avoid stores and opt for online shopping.

“We’ve seen e-commerce accelerate in ways that didn’t seem possible last spring, given the extent of the economic crisis,” said Andrew Lipsman, eMarketer principal analyst at Insider Intelligence. “While much of the shift has been led by essential categories like grocery, there has been surprising strength in discretionary categories like consumer electronics and home furnishings that benefited from pandemic-driven lifestyle needs.”

Even before the onset of the pandemic, 78.7% of Wilmington area consumers had bought goods online over the prior six months, according to Nielsen research. Purchases included clothing, health & beauty products, travel reservations, books, furniture, and groceries.

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Topics Best Way To Advertise, retail, Online Advertising, consumer spending, radio advertising, Retail Sales, retailer, retail stores, online shopping, advertise on wilmington radio, wilmington small business owners, best way to advertise in wilmington

What Is The Best Time Of Day To Advertise On Wilmington Radio?

Dec 10, 2020 11:03:50 AM / by Larry Julius

You've done the research. You now know that by every measure, radio advertising is the most effective way for your Tri-State area small business to market its goods and services.

You have learned, for instance, 500,115 adult consumers regularly tune-in to AM/FM radio stations.  This is more than watch local TV, read a newspaper, sign-in to social media, or log-in to streaming audio services like Pandora and Spotify.

You've also learned that, on average, adults spend almost two hours per day listening to local radio.

If you dug deep enough, then you know radio advertising delivers, on average, a $10 lift in sales for every $1 invested. This is a remarkable return for any Tri-State small business owner.

What you may not have figured out, however, is what is the best time of day to advertise on Wilmington radio?

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Topics Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, best time to advertise, radio advertising, small business marketing, advertise on wilmington radio, wilmington small business owners, best way to advertise in wilmington, prime time

Do Tri-State Area Millennials Listen To Wilmington Radio?

Dec 7, 2020 3:10:56 PM / by Larry Julius

It's time to set some misguided Tri-State Area small business owners straight.  When we say everybody listens to Wilmington radio stations, we mean everybody.  Generations X, Y, and Z. Baby boomers, and, yes, the millennial generation.

You know...millennials. Those are the "kids" who came of age at the turn of the millennium (which is, debatably, either 2000 or 2001).  This means 18-39 year olds. 

In the Tri-State Area, 207,300 millennials make-up 36% of the adult population and will deliver $4.8 billion to local cash registers.

But here's the thing about millennials that many small business owners get wrong: millennials listen to local radio.  To be exact, 88.6% of them.

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Topics Best Way To Advertise, Millennials, Streaming Audio, social media advertising, television advertising, radio advertising, social media, millennial parents, streaming video, best way to advertise in wilmington

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