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Advertising In Wilmington: Four Fantastic Facts About Local Radio

Jul 24, 2021 11:48:30 AM / by Larry Julius

Advertising is crucial to the success of Tri-state area business owners. According to Investopedia, "lack of adequate marketing and publicity are among the issues that drag down small business".

According to Borrell Associates, a company that tracks advertising trends across the country, Wilmington, Delaware area business owners are expected to spend $337 million to advertise the goods and services they sell. This represents a 6.5% increase versus last year.

The majority of these dollars are being spent by Wilmington business owners to capture a significant share of the $10.2 billion dollars local consumers will be spending this year. These estimates are based on a revised forecast from the National Retail Federation (NRF).

Of course, there is an over-abundance of ways a local business owner can advertise. Perhaps the best way to generate sales from local consumers is with Wilmington radio. Here are the top five reasons why...

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Topics Small Business Advertising, Best Way To Advertise, Millennials, Effective Advertising., Effective Radio Commercials, roi, return on investment, small business owner, radio advertising, small business, reach, reach and frequency, small business marketing, millennial parents, radio commercials, wilmington small business owners, advertising reach

Who Listens To Commercials On Wilmington Radio?

Apr 1, 2021 10:26:37 AM / by Larry Julius

Every week, 500,115 Wilmington, Delaware consumers tune-in to their favorite local radio stations. That is way more than are reached by other media, including local television, newspaper, social media, or streaming audio sites like Pandora and Spotify.

A more significant number for thousands of Tri-state small business owners who advertise on Wilmington radio is how many of these listeners stick around when their commercials come on.

A 2011 Nielsen study discovered that, on average, 93% of listeners stayed with the radio station they are tuned-to when the commercials come on. That number amazed many advertisers at the time who believed that audiences were far more likely to defect when the music stopped.

A lot has changed since 2011. Wilmington area consumers have many more media options and can instantly connect to each  with a button-push, mouse-click, screen-tap, or voice command. With all of these choices, do radio audiences still stay tuned during commercial breaks?

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Topics Small Business Advertising, Radio Listening, Effective Advertising., Effective Radio Commercials, commercial length, small business owner, small business, small business marketing, radio commercials, time spent listening, advertise on wilmington radio, wilmington small business owners, 60-second commercials, 15-second commercials, 30-second commercials

How Long Should My Radio Commercial Be On Wilmington Radio?

Dec 11, 2020 9:24:07 AM / by Larry Julius

Wilmington radio stations offer different commercial length options to fulfill the marketing objectives and budgets of Tri-State small business owners.  The most common lengths are :60-seconds, :30-seconds, :15-seconds, and :10-seconds.

So, how long should a radio commercial on Wilmington radio be? The simple answer: As long as necessary, but as short as possible.

According to "Seven Steps For Success", the length of a radio commercial should be determined, primarily, by the marketing objective of the underlying campaign.

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Topics Effective Advertising., Effective Radio Commercials, commercial length, radio advertising, advertise on wilmington radio, best way to advertise in wilmington, 60-second commercials, 15-second commercials, 30-second commercials

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